Covenant Recovery
  • Covenant Recovery

Rehabilitation center in Pine Bluff, Arkansas
  • (15)

About Covenant Recovery

Covenant Recovery - Drug Rehab centre in Pine Bluff, AR. They are rated 6.6/10 based on 15 user reviews as Rehabilitation center in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Covenant Recovery is located at 3201 W Pullen Ave, Pine Bluff, AR 71601. To book appointment you can call them at +1 870-850-7527.

Covenant Recovery, Pine Bluff, AR. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of Covenant Recovery


How to contact Covenant Recovery?

You can contact and book appointment with Covenant Recovery either by calling at +1 870-850-7527 or by directly visiting their address at 3201 W Pullen Ave, Pine Bluff, AR 71601.

Where is Covenant Recovery located?

Covenant Recovery is located at 3201 W Pullen Ave, Pine Bluff, AR 71601. Covenant Recovery is easily accessible by public transportation, major highways, etc.

What services does Covenant Recovery offer?

Covenant Recovery offers a range of services to support individuals struggling with substance use disorder, alcoholism, etc.. These services may include detoxification, individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, medication-assisted treatment, and aftercare planning.

What is Covenant Recovery's rating and reviews?

Covenant Recovery has a 3.3 rating on our website, based on 15+ reviews from individuals who have received treatment at Covenant Recovery. This is one of review from Shelby Gregory about them. Please tell me someone can say something good

Note: Please note that the above FAQs are provided as a general resource and may not reflect the specific policies and practices of each individual rehab center. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information provided, but we cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information provided. The information provided on this page is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have questions about a specific rehab center, we recommend contacting the center directly for more information.

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Covenant Recovery Reviews

Guy Young
Guy Young

You get what you put into it.. Change starts with you,No one has the power to change you but you.. Changed my life

X “frontmetilfriday” x
X “frontmetilfriday” x

horrible. 900$ for the first month. 700$ a month afterwards.the same mop was used to mop the kitchen, dining area, bathrooms, shower room, bedrooms. its said to be nonprofit but yet all of the money people pay to be there none of it goes …More

Teresa Knight
Teresa Knight

Not a good place. Prisoners pay 100 a week get served food donated from local churches. A 150 day program ya is all good when the inmate is released after 120 days being in there. Then they send you home with an ankle monitor for remaining …More

Tray Traywick
Tray Traywick

No place is perfect and like they teach we should alway work towards being better then the day before. They strive for progress towards perfection, understanding you can never reach it but you can be better than the day before. The center …More

Leslie Sutton
Leslie Sutton

My stepson went to Covenant 2 years ago! He took it serious and it changed his life! He still lives near and woks at a place where they helped him get a job and learn to live life normally. He volunteers time there to help others. This is a re-entry program that teaches you to work and live drug free. The rest is up to you.