Progress House
  • Progress House

Drug Rehab Center Indianapolis,IN
  • (41)

About Progress House

Introducing Progress House, a leading addiction treatment center dedicated to providing comprehensive care and support through their drug rehab program. With a focus on holistic healing, Progress House has received 4.4 rating and garnered 41 positive reviews from clients. Located at 201 Shelby St, Indianapolis, IN 46202, Progress House offers a wide range of evidence-based therapies and personalized drug and alcohol treatment plans to help individuals overcome addiction and reclaim their lives. Contact (317) 637-9816 to take the first step towards recovery.


What categories of substance use disorders are specifically addressed at Progress House drug rehab?

Seeking help for substance use disorder? Look no further than Progress House drug rehab, where we address a wide range of addictions. Our specialized programs cover alcohol addiction, opioids such as heroin and prescription painkillers, stimulants, benzodiazepines, cannabis, and more. Located at 201 Shelby St, Indianapolis, IN 46202, our compassionate team is committed to guiding individuals towards lasting recovery and a brighter future.

Progress House treats the following addictions:

  • Alcohol
  • Alcohol addiction
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Alcohol dependence
  • Binge drinking
  • Opioids
  • Heroin addiction
  • Prescription painkiller addiction (e.g., oxycodone, hydrocodone)
  • Fentanyl addiction
  • Codeine addiction
  • Morphine addiction
  • Psilocybin (magic mushrooms) addiction
  • Peyote addiction
  • MDMA (ecstasy) addiction
  • Inhalants
  • Paint thinner addiction
  • Aerosol spray addiction
  • Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) addiction
  • Sedatives and Hypnotics
  • Barbiturate addiction
  • Ambien addiction
  • Lunesta addiction
  • Polydrug Addiction
  • Multiple substance dependencies
  • Co-occurring substance abuse disorders
  • Stimulants
  • Cocaine addiction
  • Amphetamine addiction
  • Methamphetamine addiction
  • Prescription stimulant addiction (e.g., Adderall, Ritalin)
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Xanax addiction
  • Valium addiction
  • Ativan addiction
  • Klonopin addiction
  • Cannabis
  • Marijuana addiction
  • Cannabis use disorder
  • Hallucinogens
  • LSD (acid) addiction

How to contact Progress House?

You can contact and book appointment with Progress House either by calling at (317) 637-9816 or by directly visiting their address at 201 Shelby St, Indianapolis, IN 46202.

Where is Progress House located?

Progress House is located at 201 Shelby St, Indianapolis, IN 46202. Progress House is easily accessible by public transportation, major highways, etc.

What services does Progress House offer?

Progress House offers a range of services to support individuals struggling with substance use disorder, alcoholism, etc.. These services may include detoxification, individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, medication-assisted treatment, and aftercare planning.

What is Progress House's rating and reviews?

Progress House has a 4.4 rating on our website, based on 41+ reviews from individuals who have received treatment at Progress House. This is one of review from Jake O'Hair about them. Progress House is hands down the best place I've ever been to (Trust me I've been to many). Progress House was there when nobody else was. I will forever be indebted to Progress House.

Note: Please note that the above FAQs are provided as a general resource and may not reflect the specific policies and practices of each individual rehab center. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information provided, but we cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information provided. The information provided on this page is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have questions about a specific rehab center, we recommend contacting the center directly for more information.

Progress House Working Hours

Progress House Reviews

Jason Bair
Jason Bair

Progress House help me become a better man by going through there program and helping me fight my disease of addiction. Through Aspire medical and therapy sessions as well as my A.A. community I built up and continue to build daily my self esteem back and reduced my anxiety by ten fold. They Helped me with my depression and self worth and has gotten my son back in my life. I owe a lot to Progress House and there team there. I even as went as far as joined the Progress House team as a member of there Aspire front desk Associates job. I worked it the way they set it up for me to work it and it works. Beyond grateful for having me back. Thank you Progress House.

Rogetta Cordi
Rogetta Cordi

This place is very over rated. They are in for the $$ There are many. many other agencies around our City that are much better that sincerely care if you stay sober. Much more intensive outpatient therapy and they don't put you in a facility to quarantine with no food. Ridiculous. Andrew should be fired. Having 93 men in a facility is way too many, There are houses out there with only a dozen. My son was in Progress House and my son was thrown out due to a disagreement over a television. This was court ordered.. They flat out don't care. Good luck. Thumbs down.

Andy Klue
Andy Klue

I had heard so much good about PH, unfortunately though I was very desperate to stay clean and just change my entire being to a more spiritually fit person, I was asked to leave because I was struggling to adjust to the extremely busy schedule they give the first few weeks. People said it just depends if they like you or not and I figure that must be true. I was trying to keep my job and make all the appointments and even when I could actually complete a work day without asking to go home early I would still have to ask my boss to leave early in order to make the strict med time. I even asked my Dr. To change directions so I wouldn't have to leave early but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get any support or assistance. Other people say it's great so don't go off my experiences alone

Tyler Wenger
Tyler Wenger

I was told by one of the workers, Andrew H., to lie on my application for state funded insurance. I was making too much money with the hours I worked to qualify for it, and instead of doing the honest thing, I did as told. Andrew told me to say I only work 16 hours a week, when in reality I work 25. I’ve been having to deal with the consequences of that decision now. Wish I could go back and change it but I can’t. Anyways, aside from that, Progress House was a vital stepping stone in my recovery journey, and gave me the helping hand I needed to get back on track in life