Hickory Treatment Center at Indianapolis
  • Hickory Treatment Center at Indianapolis

Drug Rehab Center Indianapolis,IN
  • (47)

About Hickory Treatment Center at Indianapolis

Introducing Hickory Treatment Center at Indianapolis, a leading addiction treatment center dedicated to providing comprehensive care and support through their drug rehab program. With a focus on holistic healing, Hickory Treatment Center at Indianapolis has received 4.3 rating and garnered 47 positive reviews from clients. Located at 2926 N Capitol Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46208, Hickory Treatment Center at Indianapolis offers a wide range of evidence-based therapies and personalized drug and alcohol treatment plans to help individuals overcome addiction and reclaim their lives. Contact (317) 779-1088 to take the first step towards recovery.


What addiction does Hickory Treatment Center at Indianapolis treat?

Whether it's alcohol, opioids, stimulants, or other substances, Hickory Treatment Center at Indianapolis drug rehab is dedicated to addressing a wide spectrum of substance use disorders. Located at 2926 N Capitol Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46208, our experienced team offers evidence-based treatment programs tailored to each individual's unique needs. We are here to support and guide individuals on their journey towards overcoming addiction and building a fulfilling life in recovery. Some of the most commonly treated substances at Hickory Treatment Center at Indianapolis include:

  • Heroin addiction
  • Alcohol addiction
  • Fentanyl addiction
  • Xanax Addiction
  • Cocain Addiction

How to contact Hickory Treatment Center at Indianapolis?

You can contact and book appointment with Hickory Treatment Center at Indianapolis either by calling at (317) 779-1088 or by directly visiting their address at 2926 N Capitol Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46208.

Where is Hickory Treatment Center at Indianapolis located?

Hickory Treatment Center at Indianapolis is located at 2926 N Capitol Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46208. Hickory Treatment Center at Indianapolis is easily accessible by public transportation, major highways, etc.

What services does Hickory Treatment Center at Indianapolis offer?

Hickory Treatment Center at Indianapolis offers a range of services to support individuals struggling with substance use disorder, alcoholism, etc.. These services may include detoxification, individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, medication-assisted treatment, and aftercare planning.

What is Hickory Treatment Center at Indianapolis's rating and reviews?

Hickory Treatment Center at Indianapolis has a 4.3 rating on our website, based on 47+ reviews from individuals who have received treatment at Hickory Treatment Center at Indianapolis. This is one of review from Nik Wild about them. I called to help a loved one seek inpatient rehab, she’s been an addict for over 30 years and just had extensive brain surgery, she came out of surgery and wrote on a paper “REHAB” underlined multiple times. I called and the intake person answered as if I was an annoyance, she was rude, short and as uninviting as it gets. I told her my loved one can’t speak right now “Insert surgery details”so I was calling to expedite and attempt to secure a bed immediately; aiming to make a smooth transfer from the hospital to rehab. The sigh this girl gave turned my stomach. I think it goes without saying we will look elsewhere. Excellent job. And if she reads this, you might need to find a new line of work, this definitely isn’t your calling.

Note: Please note that the above FAQs are provided as a general resource and may not reflect the specific policies and practices of each individual rehab center. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information provided, but we cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information provided. The information provided on this page is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have questions about a specific rehab center, we recommend contacting the center directly for more information.

Hickory Treatment Center at Indianapolis Working Hours

Hickory Treatment Center at Indianapolis Reviews

Dominick Brooks
Dominick Brooks

I definitely had a great experience at Hickory it has helped me to gather the tools I need to stay sober in my recovery very thankful for the structure this place had given me to get me on the right track RECOVERY WORKS IF YOU WORK IT! I highly recommend this place for anyone that is trying to help themselves!

Brittany Hambleton
Brittany Hambleton

I have worked for HTC for almost 3 years now and it has been a beautiful experience. Watching clients come in and find hope and motivation for sobriety is one of the many rewards I’ve received since opening these doors in January 2020! Love HTC!

Justin Johnson
Justin Johnson

All the staff was awesome, I really liked the smaller groups and felt comfortable sharing personal matters. The food and janitorial services were always making sure we had plenty to eat and the facility is always clean. My casemanager was always available and pushing me to do my best and to get out of my comfort zone. All the staff have basically become a friend to me. I would recommend Hickory to anyone needing help with substance abuse.