Drug Rehab Goshen, IN

Explore Goshen, IN's Top 5 Drug Rehab Centers.

Best Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Centers in Goshen, IN

Looking for a drug rehab center in Goshen, IN? You've come to the right place. Our directory includes a comprehensive list of 5 rehab centers in and around Goshen, IN, each offering a range of treatment options for individuals struggling with addiction. Whether you're looking for inpatient rehab, outpatient programs, or specialized care, our directory can help you find the right treatment center to meet your needs. Browse our listings to learn more about each rehab center, including their services, ratings, and reviews from individuals who have received treatment there. Our comprehensive review process ensures that the rehab centers listed on our directory meet the highest standards of quality, professionalism, and effectiveness.

Legacy Center Counseling
  • (36)

The Famous, 203 S Main St #6, Goshen, IN 46526

Alliance Recovery
  • (18)

2634 Lincolnway E #1009, Goshen, IN 46526

  • (22)

111 W Spring St, LaGrange, IN 46761

Danen Counseling Services

109 E Clinton St, Goshen, IN 46528

Adams Recovery Center
Addiction treatment center in Ohio
  • (77)

1569 OH-28, Loveland, OH 45140


How can I find drug rehabs in Goshen, IN?

To find drug rehabs in Goshen, IN, you can visit our website at drehabs.com and use our search feature. Simply enter Goshen, IN in the search bar, and you will be provided with a list of drug rehab facilities available in the area.

How many drug rehab listings are available in Goshen, IN?

Currently, we have 5+ drug rehab listings in Goshen, IN. Our directory is constantly updated to ensure you have access to the most comprehensive and up-to-date information.

What types of drug rehab programs are available in Goshen, IN?

In Goshen, IN, you can find a wide range of drug rehab programs to suit different needs. These may include inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab, detoxification programs, residential treatment centers, holistic treatment, and more. The specific programs available can vary depending on the facilities in the area.

How can I contact a drug rehab facility in Goshen, IN?

To contact a specific drug rehab facility in Goshen, IN, you can visit their listing on our website and find their contact information. This may include their phone number, email address, or a contact form that you can fill out.