MFI Recovery Center Riverside Outpatient Services and Administrative Offices
  • MFI Recovery Center Riverside Outpatient Services and Administrative Offices

Addiction treatment center in Riverside, California
  • (5+)

About MFI Recovery Center Riverside Outpatient Services and Administrative Offices

MFI Recovery Center Riverside Outpatient Services and Administrative Offices - Drug Rehab centre in Riverside, CA. They are rated 0/10 based on undefined user reviews as Addiction treatment center in Riverside, California. MFI Recovery Center Riverside Outpatient Services and Administrative Offices is located at 5870 Arlington Ave, Riverside, CA 92504. To book appointment you can call them at +1 866-218-4697.

MFI Recovery Center Riverside Outpatient Services and Administrative Offices, Riverside, CA. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of MFI Recovery Center Riverside Outpatient Services and Administrative Offices


How to contact MFI Recovery Center Riverside Outpatient Services and Administrative Offices?

You can contact and book appointment with MFI Recovery Center Riverside Outpatient Services and Administrative Offices either by calling at +1 866-218-4697 or by directly visiting their address at 5870 Arlington Ave, Riverside, CA 92504.

Where is MFI Recovery Center Riverside Outpatient Services and Administrative Offices located?

MFI Recovery Center Riverside Outpatient Services and Administrative Offices is located at 5870 Arlington Ave, Riverside, CA 92504. MFI Recovery Center Riverside Outpatient Services and Administrative Offices is easily accessible by public transportation, major highways, etc.

What services does MFI Recovery Center Riverside Outpatient Services and Administrative Offices offer?

MFI Recovery Center Riverside Outpatient Services and Administrative Offices offers a range of services to support individuals struggling with substance use disorder, alcoholism, etc.. These services may include detoxification, individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, medication-assisted treatment, and aftercare planning.

What is MFI Recovery Center Riverside Outpatient Services and Administrative Offices's rating and reviews?

MFI Recovery Center Riverside Outpatient Services and Administrative Offices has a rating on our website, based on undefined+ reviews from individuals who have received treatment at MFI Recovery Center Riverside Outpatient Services and Administrative Offices. This is one of review from Ann Gordon about them. MFI has been a lifesaver. They have EVERY resource to help you.from therapy, medication programs, inpatient and outpatient, mental health services, family therapy, parenting classes and work with social services and court. MFI is the ONLY recovery program that has everything in one place.

Note: Please note that the above FAQs are provided as a general resource and may not reflect the specific policies and practices of each individual rehab center. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information provided, but we cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information provided. The information provided on this page is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have questions about a specific rehab center, we recommend contacting the center directly for more information.

MFI Recovery Center Riverside Outpatient Services and Administrative Offices Working Hours


MFI Recovery Center Riverside Outpatient Services and Administrative Offices Reviews

Sandra Majkowski
Sandra Majkowski

Have help my tween with issues that we are struggling with. The counselors are great with all age groops. They work individually and with family units to work on issues. We are pleased with the care we get fromthem and the Doctor.

Schuster Estel
Schuster Estel

As an employee and healthcare professional, they terminated my medical insurance due to being off and in recovery for COVID. Please do not endorse this establishment by utilizing their services. They are in a frantic state to manage their …More

South California Road to Recovery
South California Road to Recovery

We tried to work with this treatment center and our experience has been awful. The staff acted aggressively toward us and began spreading false information on social media about our treatment center. Cyber bullying or smear campaigns on …More

Josh Standish
Josh Standish

Even if the amount of stars in this review was infinite, it would not do justice of what I am about to say. …More

Dalia De La Paz
Dalia De La Paz

16 years ago I arrived at MFI My Family Incorporated, I was given my life back, I learned to live and not just EXIST, drug addiction is a vicious cycle, nobody likes to be addicted, this place gave me the armor and weapons to beat my …More

Christina “Christi” Petersen
Christina “Christi” Petersen

This place is amazing. I finished the whole program. Inand out patient. It will work if you want it

Valeria Heidt
Valeria Heidt

Best place it helped me out a lot and Dr.Patel is the best been seeing him since 2018 and Karen his lovely assistant is such a sweet hard working lady

Annalisa Ramirez
Annalisa Ramirez

They are bery unprofessional and apparently being late for staff is completely normal and if you question them about it watch out youll get reprimanded like a child while they take no accountability for the fact that being late is being …More