CKF Addiction Treatment
  • CKF Addiction Treatment

Addiction treatment center in Salina, Kansas
  • (5+)

About CKF Addiction Treatment

CKF Addiction Treatment - Drug Rehab centre in Junction City, KS. They are rated 0/10 based on undefined user reviews as Addiction treatment center in Salina, Kansas. CKF Addiction Treatment is located at 617 E Elm St, Salina, KS 67401. To book appointment you can call them at +1 785-825-6224.

CKF Addiction Treatment, Junction City, KS. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of CKF Addiction Treatment


How to contact CKF Addiction Treatment?

You can contact and book appointment with CKF Addiction Treatment either by calling at +1 785-825-6224 or by directly visiting their address at 617 E Elm St, Salina, KS 67401.

Where is CKF Addiction Treatment located?

CKF Addiction Treatment is located at 617 E Elm St, Salina, KS 67401. CKF Addiction Treatment is easily accessible by public transportation, major highways, etc.

What services does CKF Addiction Treatment offer?

CKF Addiction Treatment offers a range of services to support individuals struggling with substance use disorder, alcoholism, etc.. These services may include detoxification, individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, medication-assisted treatment, and aftercare planning.

What is CKF Addiction Treatment's rating and reviews?

CKF Addiction Treatment has a rating on our website, based on undefined+ reviews from individuals who have received treatment at CKF Addiction Treatment. This is one of review from More about them. People who care for their job and the people they help.

Note: Please note that the above FAQs are provided as a general resource and may not reflect the specific policies and practices of each individual rehab center. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information provided, but we cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information provided. The information provided on this page is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have questions about a specific rehab center, we recommend contacting the center directly for more information.

CKF Addiction Treatment Working Hours


CKF Addiction Treatment Reviews

John Dumler
John Dumler

If you need help with addiction or alcohol, look for a 12 step program...CKF is a joke, that why most of everyone is court order to go.

Rachelle Bauerlien
Rachelle Bauerlien

Not a good place for opiate users to detox. I suffered horribly and felt staff did not care!

Jacob Gilliland
Jacob Gilliland

This place saved my life. Good food good staff I learned alot.

Erin Stevenson
Erin Stevenson

It was the worst place I have ever been. The help was rude. And if you want to suffer while trying to withdraw then go. “Social Detoxing” is a joke. I went to a very nice place in Hutchinson Kansas called Summit Surgical where the they medically detox you and the help there were so nice. Complete opposite of the people at CKF.

Dillon Percival
Dillon Percival

Not recommended. Their detox is essentially jail without the bars. You aren’t allowed to have your phone, but they give you a janky tablet that you can play games on, I was disappointed that I couldn’t visit educational sites to try and be …More

Dinger Boi
Dinger Boi

Can’t speak for inpatient but outpatient care and especially MAT=unreliable. It seems they work when they want to, and they don’t seem to know that people are going to be pretty dependent on the medications they offer. Which you would think …More