About Change Counseling
  • About Change Counseling

Drug Rehab Center Elgin, IL
  • (3)

About About Change Counseling

About Change Counseling - Drug Rehab centre in Elgin, IL. They are rated 7.4/10 based on 3 user reviews as . About Change Counseling is located at 1523 Weatherstone Ln, Elgin, IL 60123. To book appointment you can call them at +1 847-418-6097.

About Change Counseling, Elgin, IL. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of About Change Counseling


How to contact About Change Counseling?

You can contact and book appointment with About Change Counseling either by calling at +1 847-418-6097 or by directly visiting their address at 1523 Weatherstone Ln, Elgin, IL 60123.

Where is About Change Counseling located?

About Change Counseling is located at 1523 Weatherstone Ln, Elgin, IL 60123. About Change Counseling is easily accessible by public transportation, major highways, etc.

What services does About Change Counseling offer?

About Change Counseling offers a range of services to support individuals struggling with substance use disorder, alcoholism, etc.. These services may include detoxification, individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, medication-assisted treatment, and aftercare planning.

What is About Change Counseling's rating and reviews?

About Change Counseling has a 3.7 rating on our website, based on 3+ reviews from individuals who have received treatment at About Change Counseling. This is one of review from Rafael Reynoso about them. Very nice People. And they speak Spanish

Note: Please note that the above FAQs are provided as a general resource and may not reflect the specific policies and practices of each individual rehab center. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information provided, but we cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information provided. The information provided on this page is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have questions about a specific rehab center, we recommend contacting the center directly for more information.

About Change Counseling Working Hours


About Change Counseling Reviews

Dulce Dereyes
Dulce Dereyes

Very knowledgeable and friendly staff. The main lady in charge is a very understanding and kind person. Very flexible and supportive staff. I highly recommend this facility to all.

James Mckinley
James Mckinley

Highly recommend this place! I worked with David and he did an outstanding job! I received my license back all because these guys knew their stuff!

Manny V
Manny V

Highly recommend! All of the staff is very friendly and understanding. They make the program informative and interactive to the point that time flies!

A Carter
A Carter

Counselors are knowledgeable and experienced. They make the process pretty painless. Not sure what the negative reviews are about. Attended 15 classes never had a problem, never saw anyone who did.

Brandon m
Brandon m

I spoke with Shane he was very helpful in providing the information needed. In order to get an evaluation with david. They are very helpful and definitely recommend meeting them for an evaluation. I would definitely take classes with them if needed.

Brent Carter
Brent Carter

Great folks- very helpful and accommodating.

Bryan Lopez
Bryan Lopez

Teresa is a kind and considerate person who will help guide you through this step in your journey. Nobody wants to go through this, but if you must, there is no better place for you to get counseling. They are Knowledgeable about the process and will give you good advice so you can start your healing and move on.